Young Children

Parents of young children can organize the details that only they know so it’s available in a pinch and easily accessible by babysitters, grandparents, and other caregivers.

Appointments, immunizations, and medications

Allergies like infant formula, detergents, medications, and foods

Milestones (first step, words, etc. for evaluating developmental delays)

Pediatrician and specialist contact info and well visit notes

Conditions and any complications in childbirth (for future reference)

Feeding, sleeping, and activity schedules

Fully collaborate on profile with spouse, partner, or co-parent

Share some information with babysitter or nanny

Give grandparents of family emergency info

Keep former spouse or co-parent informed

Share emergency info with neighbors or other parents during visits and sleep overs

Children with Special Needs

Parents of children with special needs can advocate for their child by having all their important documents and health info in one central, shareable, and on-the-go location

Evaluations and forms from schools or other institutions

Copies of and notes on Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 Plan

Meeting dates, notes, and specialist contacts

Report cards, progress reports, and standardized tests

Behavioral intervention plans and disciplinary notices

Plus, any standard health info (like the list for Young Children)

Fully collaborate on profile with spouse, partner, or co-parent

Share info with an advocate, attorney, or other party

Easily hand-off health info to therapists and specialist

Keep former spouse or co-parent informed

Young Adults

Parents use KinKeeper to help young adults take charge of their health as they head off to college or into the workforce and ensure they can advocate for themselves.

Medication, Condition, Allergy, and Vaccination History

Insurance and prescription cards and copies of IDs

Healthcare Power of Attorney for kids over 18 incase you need to make decisions on their behalf

HIPAA Release Form

Durable Power of Attorney

Plus, any important health info

Fully collaborate on profile with spouse, partner, or co-parent

Give roommate, close friends, or dorm RA emergency info

Keep former spouse or co-parent informed

Aging Parents

Those caring for aging parents can organize the endless pile of papers, notes, and important health details and share with siblings and other caregivers so everyone can stay informed.

Medical Power of Attorney, Advanced Directives, Wills, and other legal documents

Medication, Condition, Allergy, and Vaccination History

Insurance and Medicare policies and copies of IDs

Visit notes so different family members can step in and stay informed

Doctors, specialists, appointments, and care plans

Diagnositc reports, labs, discharge notes, and other documents

Questions for doctors and other observations

Fully collaborate on profile with siblings and family members

Give neighbors or others emergency info

Share health history with caregiversor private duty nurses

Your parent if they wish to or are able to contribute

Chronic or Long-Term Conditions

People managing a chronic condition for themselves or others track symptoms, store notes, and organize all the information commonly needed for doctor visits so it’s in one centralized and easily shareable location.

Medication, Condition, Allergy, and Vaccination History

Symptoms, notes, side effects, and reactions

Insurance cards and copies of IDs

Doctors, specialists, appointments, and care plans

Diagnositc reports, labs, imaging (CT, X-Rays, ultrasounds, MRI's), and other documents

Questions for doctors, call logs, and other observations

Surgeries, procedures, and hospitalization notes and discharge details

Fully collaborate on profile with spouse or partner

Keep siblings or family up to date with progress

Share with anyone helping give support or care

For kids, other caregivers or babysitters


KinKeeper helps pet owners keep track of all the important health info that always seems to get lost and share their furry friend’s caring details with family and pet-sitters.

Medication instructions and details (including flea/tick prevention)

Vet visit notes and contact information

Test results and diagnostic results

Pet insurance info

Vaccination and registrations documents

Allergies, Conditions, and tracking their symptoms

Pet-sitter instructions like feeding schedules and behavioral issues/traits

Microchip details and emergency information

Fully collaborate on profile with your household

Share with pet-sitters, dog walkers, or friends caring for your pet

Roommates or neighbors that can step in in case of emergency

People Caring For:

Download KinKeeper and have your family’s health info at your fingertips today.

Download on Google Play