We hope this email finds you well. First off, I hope that this is relevant to almost all of you in that you’re actually going to the dermatologist. As someone who’s had four Stage 0 or 1 melanomas removed over the years, I can’t say enough about how much early detection matters.
Here’s how my typical visit went prior to KinKeeper:
Doctor: “Has this mole changed in color or size?”
Me: “No clue - I only know what it looks like today”
Doctor: “We can either biopsy it or you can keep an eye on it for the next few months and see if anything changes.”
Me: “Ummm…that seems like a YOU decision…“
And around and around we go 🙂until I’ve had so many tiny pieces cut out of me that it felt like a part of my weight loss program.
Here are some simple tips based on how I changed that interaction with KinKeeper.
- When I notice a mole or mark that either looks new or odd, I simply go into KinKeeper and add a Question (on the info screen).
- In that question, I add a picture of the mole and add a note as to where it is on my body (if it isn’t obvious).
- Then, I link it to the doctor – you can also link it to your next appointment if you’d rather, but sometimes I don’t have my next appt set up yet, so I just link it to the doctor.
- The next time I go, I pull up the doctor and all of the questions are listed on the Related Information tab. I can then quickly make notes on what he tells me (it’s nothing to worry about or I need to monitor it until the next appointment.)
This has dramatically reduced the number of biopsies I’ve needed and also helped me be a better partner to my doctor and advocate for myself. So next time you notice that mole that became a lump or that beauty mark that isn’t quite so beautiful anymore, take 5 minutes to put it in your KinKeeper. Future You will thank you!